Industrial Sheds

 Rural Farm Sheds 

Residential Sheds

Fair Dinkum Builds Northern Rivers Sheds

Take a look, at all of our local Shed builds for inspiration for your dream Shed in your backyard.

3 Bay Farm Shed in Woodland Grey
4 Bay Shed in Monoclad Basalt
Shed with Enclosed Lean To
Garden Shed in ColorBond Dune
Gable Roof Shed in Deep Ocean
Shed in ColorBond Dover White
Zincalume Farm Shed
Open Bay Shed in Monument
Woodland Grey Shed in Monoclad Finish
4 Bay Shed in ColorBond Dune

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If you are in the market for a Shed to complete the look of your house, call the Fair Dinkum Builds Northern Rivers team on 02 66 225 111 and get started on designing the Shed of your dreams. You can download the app on the App Store, Google Play or Online and send it to us for a complimentary design and quotation.

Sheds hero image Fair Dinkum Builds Lismore - Northern Rivers NSW - Service and Installation


Garages hero image Fair Dinkum Builds Lismore - Northern Rivers NSW - Service and Installation


Carports hero image Fair Dinkum Builds Lismore - Northern Rivers NSW - Service and Installation


Barns hero image Fair Dinkum Builds Lismore - Northern Rivers NSW - Service and Installation


Awnings hero image Fair Dinkum Builds Lismore - Northern Rivers NSW - Service and Installation


Water Tanks hero image Fair Dinkum Builds Lismore - Northern Rivers NSW - Service and Installation

Water Tanks

Get started on the shed of your
dreams today.
Garages Product Image Fair Dinkum Builds Lismore Northern Rivers

Shed Designer

Get  Started  today 

Our sheds are made with high quality materials that last for years to come, plus they’re delivered right to your door so there’s no mess or fuss involved in getting them set up.

Get started on the perfect backyard retreat today by clicking here and designing your perfect shed. Create in the shed designer app today!Play around with elements such as size, colour, roof pitch and whether to add a window to the right- or left-hand side. Visualise your dream shed and then send it to us for a design and action plan.

Call the Fair Dinkum Builds Northern Rivers Team on 66 225 111

The power is in your hands. Use our app to design the shed of your dreams today.

you don't know
what you want

until you see it.

If you’ve got big dreams to build an Industrial Farm Shed on your land, call Fair Dinkum Builds Northern Rivers on 6622 5111 or start designing in the shed app today and send it to us for a free design and quote.

Shed designer app phone image - Fair Dinkum Builds Northern Rivers NSW